Self-Care Summer Series – Advanced

Advanced Level

We designed our Self-Care Summer Series to make it easy to click and workout, no decision fatigue and no equipment needed! With 14 advanced mat classes that are 30 minutes or less, it’s easy to squeeze into busy travel days or lazy days at home. Self-Care-Summer-Journal

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Combo Platter Mat (24 Mins)

14 day advanced pilates mat program

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Self-Care Summer Series – Advanced

14 day advanced pilates mat program

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Spice up your next mat workout with Alisa's combo platter! Part of the fun of linking exercises that follow each other is the rhythm that it creates. You'll combo your way through this killer session with exercises like Roll Up into Roll Over, Teaser into Jackknife into Swimming, and the original combo move: the Boomerang into the Seal. For Side Kicks, you'll love Kathy Grant's Fan Kick that puts the whole series into one fabulously fun move. Enjoy!

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Alisa Wyatt

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Equipment Needed
  • Mat

Spice up your next mat workout with Alisa's combo platter! Part of the fun of linking exercises that follow each other is the rhythm that it creates. You'll combo your way through this killer session with exercises like Roll Up into Roll Over, Teaser into Jackknife into Swimming, and the original combo move: the Boomerang into the Seal. For Side Kicks, you'll love Kathy Grant's Fan Kick that puts the whole series into one fabulously fun move. Enjoy!

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