PostNatal Pilates Series

Basic Level

Ready to get your body back after pregnancy? This workout series designed to start with the day your doctor releases you to workout (around 6 weeks). There’s no equipment needed and Molly offers modifications for common issues like Diastasis Recti, lack of feeling in the lower abs, pelvic floor weakness, prolapsed uterus, peeing when you sneeze, postpartum depression, numbness due to C-section, breast tenderness and mastitis.

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PostNatal Series Class 5 of 8 (15 min)

Postnatal workouts

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PostNatal Pilates Series

Postnatal workouts

For the complete program

Welcome to class five in Molly Niles Renshaw’s postnatal series. What you’ve learned so far should be paying off with a little more feeling in your lower abs. To keep that progress growing you’ll move through more Pilates basics modified for your postnatal needs, including the Series of 5 for your abs, Side Leg Kicks Series for your hips and bottom and more. Don’t forget to repeat as needed until you feel more control while moving through these exercises. Visit Molly at: Filmed at Pilatesology Studio.  

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  • Mat

Welcome to class five in Molly Niles Renshaw’s postnatal series. What you’ve learned so far should be paying off with a little more feeling in your lower abs. To keep that progress growing you’ll move through more Pilates basics modified for your postnatal needs, including the Series of 5 for your abs, Side Leg Kicks Series for your hips and bottom and more. Don’t forget to repeat as needed until you feel more control while moving through these exercises. Visit Molly at: Filmed at Pilatesology Studio.  

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