Intermediate to Advanced Mat Progression

Advanced Level

Are you looking for guidance on how to become an Advanced Pilates practitioner? Kim Reis is here to help your Pilates journey with a series that does just that! This progressive series is designed to build your practice from an intermediate to an Advanced level. You will strengthen key areas of your body and then put your new skills to the test in a flow class. There are bonus sections that break down tricky transitions as well as troubleshooting for commonly difficult exercises.

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Class 8 – Push Ups (33 Min)

Progressive Pilates Series

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Intermediate to Advanced Mat Progression

Progressive Pilates Series

For the complete program

In Class 8 you’re building incredible strength in your upper body! Don’t worry if you don’t feel ready for full push ups today because Kim Reis gives options for everyone. You’ll also learn the full Side Bend exercise today. Each time you repeat this class you’re getting stronger and improving your connection to your powerhouse so keep it up! Want some troubleshooting help for specific exercises? Check out the Pilatesology Encyclopedia for our experts’ breakdowns on all of the mat exercises. Visit Kim at Want to do the whole series? Click HERE

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Kim Reis

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Equipment Needed
  • Mat

In Class 8 you’re building incredible strength in your upper body! Don’t worry if you don’t feel ready for full push ups today because Kim Reis gives options for everyone. You’ll also learn the full Side Bend exercise today. Each time you repeat this class you’re getting stronger and improving your connection to your powerhouse so keep it up! Want some troubleshooting help for specific exercises? Check out the Pilatesology Encyclopedia for our experts’ breakdowns on all of the mat exercises. Visit Kim at Want to do the whole series? Click HERE

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