Fit Pregnancy

Basic Level

This complete PreNatal Pilates program is designed to take you through your entire pregnancy! Practice daily with challenging classes to keep your body toned and lean, as well as restorative sessions for the inevitable moments when you’re feeling sluggish and tired.

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CLASS 2: PreNatal Wake Up Mat (20 min)

pilates fit pregnancy

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Fit Pregnancy

pilates fit pregnancy

For the complete program

Molly gives a gentle and invigorating mat for pre-natal pilates practitioners. In this class you will need two pillows for support. Molly focuses on stretch and movement so that you will feel less tired and lethargic in your body. Movement revitalizes the body and Molly will challenge you just enough to energize you while still taking care of your new baby! Check out Molly's birth story on her blog at:

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Equipment Needed
  • Mat

Molly gives a gentle and invigorating mat for pre-natal pilates practitioners. In this class you will need two pillows for support. Molly focuses on stretch and movement so that you will feel less tired and lethargic in your body. Movement revitalizes the body and Molly will challenge you just enough to energize you while still taking care of your new baby! Check out Molly's birth story on her blog at:

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