Whip your lower half into shape with Gina’s miniskirt series. This quick 8 minute session can be done anywhere and targets your glutes, inner and outer thighs and abs. Do it every day for fast results and long, toned gams! Visit Gina at Grasshopper Pilates where this session was filmed.
Short and sweet but a nice dirty burn! Love it. Add it to your killer ab series on this site and ouch!!
Thanks, Gina. I really love this series. Great for my lower back and my hip bones. I do like the burn.
Thank you, Gina:) My clients love this series; :)))) EWA POLAND:)))
@ewapilates Great! Keep an eye out for more variations of this on my other internet outlets. More to come here as well - next time we film!
OOO I never was told to keep my tailbone down for figure 4 stretch before. NICE!
Yes it helps you square your hips and pelvis off for a deeper stretch. 🙂 Use this cue in other stretches to help you go deeper.